We Offer Parkinson's In Home Physical Therapy Services
Parkinson’s Therapy
The techniques require patients to make big, whole-body movements over and over
Neurological Therapy
The techniques require patients to make big, whole-body movements over and over
Gait & Balance Therapy
Do you have trouble standing, sometimes experiencing the “spins” even when you’re standing still?
Geriatric Wellness
We seeks to address this gap with a highly-trained team whose passion is the care of older adults in a variety
Orthopedics Therapy
Orthopedic physical therapy can be life-changing. A skilled physical therapist (PT) can get you back on track
Post OP Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is the post-surgical program of re-establishing joint motion, muscle strength around the joint
Musculoskeletal & Neuromuscular Therapy
Cerebral palsy typically involves a variety of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems.